Experience the Gentle Healing of Water!
The safe and effective environment created by water minimizes joint stress to help reduce pain, muscle spasms, and swelling. Allowing rehabilitation and recovery to begin earlier than traditional land-based rehab alone. Patients can experience success even in acute stages of rehabilitation. When combining hydrotherapy with traditional therapy, a patients flexibilty, function, over-all health, and well being can be greatly improved.
Treatment at Health Quest Therapy
Aquatic therapy at Health Quest Therapy consists of controlled exercises or activities that use resistance and the weightlessness quality of your body in water to maximize effort. Treatments intensify the healing of your musculoskeletal injuries. Aquatic Therapy treatment programs also serve to condition and improve overall muscle health, reducing the chance of reoccurring injury.
Get the facts about Aquatic Therapy?
Find out more by downloading our Aquatic Therapy brochure. Inside you will find lots of great informaton about the benefits of Aquatic Therapy along with detailed information about our 3,500 Gal. therapy pool.
Benefits of Treating in Water
The properties of water make it an ideal environment to treat musculoskeletal injuries.
Buoyancy: Water assists in supporting the weight of the patient during immersion. This control can aid the development of improved balance and strength. Buoyancy also affords the patient a greater range and diversity of positions due to the near weightlessness effect of water. Patients who have trouble moving on hard land due to pain can move in ways they would never had been able to out of the pool.
Viscosity: Water provided resistance by means of friction, allowing strengthening and conditioning of an injury, while reducing the risk of further injury due to loss of balance.
Hydrostatic pressure: As the patients body is immersed the hydrostatic pressure created by the weight of the water improves heart and lung functions, making aquatic exercise an effective tool in maintaining and strengthening heart and lung functions. This pressure effect also aids in improving muscle blood flow.
The combined benefit of these unique properties used in coordination with land-based treatments (when appropriate), allows Health Quest Therapy the opportunity to provide the most effective and comfortable treatment opportunity available.